Sunday, January 24, 2010

It was raining as she sat there, leaning against the fence. She wore a black rain coat but her ankles were exposed and a clump of beige mud stained her canvas sneakers. She was so beautiful in this way I can't describe and terrible too, calm despite the intrusion because she'd seen it all and then some. The fabric of reality shimmered when we spoke. Why was she dealt one hand, and I another?

Lucy and Jason put us up for two nights, warriors both--it takes great courage to brook convention. Dan dove into a couple of dumpsters on the way back from Dallas. I dare you to find a better field producer.


  1. "The fabric of reality shimmered when we spoke."

    What a poignant line, brother. I know exactly what you mean when you mention such a moment. A fusion of mediocrity and the profound; finding a tarnished quarter on the dirty ground. Using that quarter to make a jukebox sound, a song you find most sentimental.

    What goodies were unearthed from pandora's box named dumpster?

  2. a huge bag of doughnuts, chocolates, bottled water, tortilla chips and a yo-yo.
